This blog is intended to encourage others on their journey into their creative "artscape". I have enjoyed many years as an artist learner, creator, and teacher. Life is inspiring, and I want to share the vantage point that I have been fortunate enough to view life from. I want to move a smidge over, and invite you to sit right next to me, and enjoy a 360 degree view of my "artscape". Join me in discovering and uncovering the creative soul that we all possess.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Landscape lesson

Julia Garnett
December 2011
Grade Level: 1-5
Subject: Elementary Art 
Duration: 40 minute class period
Lesson One- Landscape (possible 5 student points)
For Review-
Books:  Dropping in On Series (Warner), Artist Workshop Series (Parma), Drawing Series- (Take a photo or video of the section in the library where students can find the book.)
Websites:  Fugleflicks, Colors! Colors!, Robot Clean Up, Songs in the Key of Art, Pinterest (my teaching art board)
Key Vocabulary: horizon line, vanishing point, foreground, midground, background, overlapping
Element of Design:line, space 
Principle of Design:variety
  • Landscape
Objectives and Goals: cognitive, affective, psychomotor 
The student will be able to recognize and identify a picture as a landscape.
The student will be able to create a landscape.
State Standards:

Bloom’s Taxonomy: 
I am using the new version, noted here. 
Remember: Do you remember some landscapes we have looked at in the past?
Understand: What are some elements you expect to see in a landscape? 
Apply: What would you like to include in the landscape you are going to create?
Analyze: Name some techniques that artists use to make their pictures looke like they go back in space.
Evaluate: Looking at the pictures in the slideshow, do you think the artist used some of the techniques that we have discussed? Which ones? 
Create: Create a 2D and a 3D landscape using the techniques for creating the illusion of deep space. (vanishing point, relative size, overlapping, etc.)
Multiple Intelligence: 
Spatial- fitting name on paper, using whole paper, creating the illusion of depth
Linguistic- discussion time, write an artist statement
Logical-mathematical-  groups of 4 or 5, pair with a partner, divide into 6 tables, divide up the “jobs”, pass out corresponding paper, countdown to silence, digital timer for countdown to “time’s up”, paper folding-cutting-dividing paper, one point perspective 
Bodily-kinesthetic- younger students begin class with physical activities such as “sky writers”, and “do what I do”, end class with “painters and statues game” or Colors! Colors! active song, cutting, gluing, coloring, drawing
Musical- listen to music during studio time, music for alarm, sing-song for reminders such as name on paper etc., art videos such as Songs in the Key of Art, Fugleflicks- song “Bye Bye Road”
Interpersonal- discuss (knee to knee) with a peer “how do you create deep space”?
Intrapersonal- personal interpretation of assignment, adding elements to their work that make in meaningful to themselves
Naturalistic- inspired by nature, landscapes
Anticipatory Set Artist Workshop Time (5 minutes):
Remember the “I Can Draw” pages? Remember drawing landscapes?
Do you have a favorite place in nature? A landscape that you like to see?
Direct Instruction (2 minutes):
  • Explain the elements of a landscape.
  • Steps to follow for 5 points.
1. Turn paper the landscape direction. Using pencil write your first and last name at the bottom, back of the page. Write your art address
2. Draw a horizon line, vanishing point, converging lines, foreground, middle ground, background.
3. Use the entire page. Draw large.
4. Add details. Use at least two values. Use outlining and overlapping. Work neatly.
5. Artist Statement
Closure (2 minutes):
  • Students should reflect and review the elements and vocabulary words used in a landscape.
  • Students will think about whether they included these elements in their landscape picture.
  • Simple and quick Check for understanding: Thumbs up if you drew a horizon line, vanishing point, converging lines, foreground, midground, background
Guided Practice (5 minutes):
    • Demonstrate drawing a landscape using the document camera.
Independent Practice Artist Studio Time (10 minutes):
    • Create a landscape
    • *Reminder- Head Heart Hands
    1. Head- We put our head into our art work. We think about our work, and put our minds into it. Our ideas matter.
    2. Heart- We put our heart into our art work. We care about our work, and make things that are meaningful to us. What we love matters. 
    3. Hands- We put our hands into our art work. We use our skills, and do our best. Working carefully matters.
We are productive. We are proud of our artwork.
Required Materials and Equipment:
  • Paper
  • Crayons, pencils
  • multi-media: computer, projector, document camera, videos, music player, digital timer
Clean Up (5 minutes):
    • Students will return pencils, crayons to bin.
    • Table manager will return portraits to table.
Assessment and Follow-Up Artist Critique Time (5 minutes):
  • Did students complete each of the 5 steps for 5 possible points?pastedGraphic_1.pdf
  • Students will be able to retell or explain Landscape.
  • Critique:  
      1. Students will walk by the display of their work and consider what they did well and what they could do to improve.
      2. Students will “show and tell” about their work, either to another student, to their group, or to the class.
Did the class receive their points for the Class “Scoreboard”.

Points Possible
Points Received
Class Time

Artist Workshop 
Class will listen attentively to the speaker. 

Artist Studio
Class will cooperate with others at their table. They will put their “Head, Heart, Hands” into their work. They will strive to complete  all points for each assignment.

Clean Up
Class will cooperate with others at their table to complete all clean up jobs assigned. They will meet the 2 minute challenge calmly, and efficiently.

Artist Critique
Class will think about whether or not they have completed the expectations for the assignment. They will assess their work and think about improvements for future assignments. Class will listen attentively to the speaker when it is a Presentation Critique. 

Presentation, Video, Ppt., etc.
Class will look and listen attentively to the speaker, video, or slide show.
Required Materials and Equipment:
  • Videos ““Bye Bye Road”, “Deep Space” on Fugleflicks
  • Ppt. landscape
  • White paper
  • Crayons, glue, construction paper, scissors
  • Book- Rousseau
Clean Up (5 minutes):
    • Students will return pencils, crayons, and all materials to appropriate places.
    • Table manager will return folders.
    • Wash tables.
Assessment and Follow-Up Artist Critique Time (5 minutes):
  • Did students complete each of the 5 steps for 5 possible points?
  • Students will be able to tell one way to create the illusion of space.
  • Critique- The landscapes will be spread out on a table. Students will walk by the display and consider what they did well and what they could do to improve.
“Springboard” References for future lesson:
  • Pinterest (my teaching art board- landscapes)
Western Schools Elementary Art Rubric

Elementary Art Rubric

Grade Earned
(as shown on Western Schools report card)
Work Ethic
I produce high quality/creative work. I receive the full 5 points possible on my assignments. 
I produce acceptable work. I receive at least 3 out of 5 points possible on my assignments.
 I produce work of inconsistent quality, or no work. I receive 0 to 2 points out of 5  possible on my assignments.
I apply all skills, especially those stressed for the assignment.
I apply some of the skills that are expected for the assignment.
I rarely apply the expected skills for the assignment.
I participate in class and use time well.
I usually participate and use time well.
I sometimes, or never participate and use time well.
I cooperate with the teacher and with my peers.
I usually cooperate with the teacher and with my peers.
I sometimes, or rarely cooperate with the teacher and with my peers.
I solve problems and work independently.
I sometimes solve problems and work independently.
I rarely, or never work independently or solve problems.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lesson Map

Lesson #
5 Minute Mini Lesson
Main Content
Review Procedures
Create Name Cards
ART.I.VA.EL.3 Use visual characteristics and organizational principles of art to communicate ideas. 
Review Point System/ Practice lesson previously taught
Begin Portrait Lesson- proportions of face
ART.II.VA.EL.1 Apply knowledge of materials, techniques, and processes to creative artwork.
Essential Question-
World Without Art

Continue Portraits
ART.III.VA.EL.2 Identify various purposes for creating works for visual art.
ART.V.VA.EL.1 Explain how visual arts have inherent relationships to everyday life.

Element of Design- Color Wheel
Begin Portrait Lesson- proportions of body
ART.I.VA.EL.3 Use visual characteristics and organizational principles of art to communicate ideas. 
Art History- Blue Boy and Pinkie
Continue Portraits
ART.IV.VA.EL.1 Know that the visual arts have a history and specific relationships to various cultures.
ART.IV.VA.EL.2 Identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places.
Use of Materials- Using glue stick and scissors
Begin creating the background- World with and without Art
ART.I.VA.EL.1 Use materials, techniques, media technology, and processes to communicate ideas and experiences.
ART.I.VA.EL.2 Use art materials and tools safely and responsibly.

Cultural Art- Egyptian Art (Art Connects Us)
Continue Backgrounds
ART.IV.VA.EL.1 Know that the visual arts have a history and specific relationships to various cultures.
ART.IV.VA.EL.2 Identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places.
Careers in Art
Review the World without Art- discuss Designers and Artist
ART.V.VA.EL.2 Identify various careers in the visual arts.

Artist Statements
Create Artist Statements
ART.V.VA.EL.3 Understand and use comparative characteristics of the visual arts and other arts disciplines.
ART.V.VA.EL.4 Identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines in the curriculum.
Critique/ Rubric/ Assessment/Presentations/Display
Final Critiques, and Assessments
ART.I.VA.EL.4 Be involved in the process and presentation of a final product or exhibit.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lessons and Rubrics

I'm working on a template for Lesson Plans and Rubrics. Not all of it seems to have come through, but here's the start-
Julia Garnett
Grade Level:
Subject: Elementary Art 
Duration: 40 minute class period
Lesson #- (possible 5 student points)
Preparation: the examples, visuals, set up of room
Key Vocabulary: Element of Design, Principle of Design

  • the lesson
Objectives and Goals: cognitive, affective, psychomotor 
  • the lesson
State Standards:
  • the lesson

Bloom’s Taxonomy: 

I am using the new version, noted here. 
Multiple Intelligence: 




Anticipatory Set Artist Workshop Time (5 minutes):
Direct Instruction (2 minutes):
  • Explanation 
  • Steps to follow for 5 points.
1. Turn paper the portrait, landscape direction. Using pencil write your first and last name at the bottom, back of the page.
2. Draw with pencil first.
3. Use the entire page. Draw large.
4. Add details. Use at least two values. Work neatly.
5. Artist Statement
Closure (2 minutes):
  • Students should reflect and review the lesson
  • Students will think about the lesson
  • Simple and quick Check for understanding
Guided Practice (5 minutes):
    • Demonstrate the lesson using the document camera, white board, paper.
Independent Practice Artist Studio Time (10 minutes):
    • Create the lesson *Reminder- Head Heart Hands

Required Materials and Equipment:
  • Paper
  • Crayons, pencils
  • multi-media: computer, projector, document camera, videos, music player, digital timer
Clean Up (5 minutes):
    • Students will return pencils, crayons to bin.
    • Table manager will return projects to tray.
Assessment and Follow-Up Artist Critique Time (5 minutes):
  • Did students complete each of the 5 steps for 5 possible points?
  • pastedGraphic_1.pdf
  • Students will be able to retell or explain the lesson
  • Critique:  
      1. Students will walk by the display of their work and consider what they did well and what they could do to improve.
      2. Students will “show and tell” about their work, either to another student, to their group, or to the class.
Did the class receive their points for the “scoreboard”.

Points Possible
Points Received
Class Time

Artist Workshop 
Class will listen attentively to the speaker. 

Artist Studio
Class will cooperate with others at their table. They will put their “Head, Heart, Hands” into their work. They will strive to complete  all points for each assignment.

Clean Up
Class will cooperate with others at their table to complete all clean up jobs assigned. They will meet the 2 minute challenge calmly, and efficiently.

Artist Critique
Class will think about whether or not they have completed the expectations for the assignment. They will assess their work and think about improvements for future assignments. Class will listen attentively to the speaker when it is a Presentation Critique. 

Presentation, Video, Ppt., etc.
Class will look and listen attentively to the speaker, video, or slide show.
“Springboard” References for future lesson:
  • the lesson

Elementary Art Rubric
Grade Earned
(as shown on Western Schools report card)
Work Ethic
I produce high quality/creative work. I receive the full 5 points possible on my assignments. 
I produce acceptable work. I receive at least 3 out of 5 points possible on my assignments.
 I produce work of inconsistent quality, or no work. I receive 0 to 2 points out of 5  possible on my assignments.
I apply all skills, especially those stressed for the assignment.
I apply some of the skills that are expected for the assignment.
I rarely apply the expected skills for the assignment.
I participate in class and use time well.
I usually participate and use time well.
I sometimes, or never participate and use time well.
I cooperate with the teacher and with my peers.
I usually cooperate with the teacher and with my peers.
I sometimes, or rarely cooperate with the teacher and with my peers.
I solve problems and work independently.
I sometimes solve problems and work independently.
I rarely, or never work independently or solve problems.